Inspired by her own mother, Debbie Manter gives personal time to residents and patients

Published: April 29, 2024

Debbie Manter began volunteering at Midtowne Meadows Health & Rehab in the summer of 2023 shortly after the doors opened. When asked what inspired her to volunteer she responded, “My dear, sweet mother who loved others above herself”.

In recognition of National Volunteer Week, we sat down with Debbie to learn more about the powerful experience of volunteering.

Why did you start volunteering at Midtowne Meadows?

Our ladies’ group at our church (Midlothian Bible Church), Seasoned by Grace, has an outreach to seniors within the church and seniors in our community.  We heard about the new opening of Midtowne Meadows and took a tour of the facilities.  We all felt like this would be the perfect place to invest in the lives of these dear people, develop relationships and help meet emotional and spiritual needs.  We try to live in community with our new circle of friends.

    How often do you volunteer at Midtowne Meadows?  4-5 days per week

    What is your favorite thing/activity to do when volunteering?

    On Thursday mornings our Seasoned by Grace team has a modified church time with the residents and patients in rehab.  We have prayer, singing of hymns and a devotional.  Our group consists of 17 people using their talents to share with our friends at Midtowne Meadows.  Our group has grown from 6 to 25 attendees. 

    Why?  There is joy in serving others.  They bless us so much as we attempt to bless them.

    Do you have a favorite or special story that makes your time here memorable?

    It is exciting to see someone whose memory may be fading, yet when they hear the church hymns, they begin singing.  The memory of singing these songs comes alive!  That is so sweet to experience!  It is also a wonderful experience to pray with them. 

      What would you like others to know about volunteering or about Midtowne Meadows residents/patients?

      Midtowne Meadows is a special place with special people and special staff.  The joy you receive from them, lets you know that each life has a purpose.

      And finally, in closing Debbie shared this sweet thought. “Everyone has a life’s story to tell and is waiting for someone to listen.  Spending individual time with them brings delight not only to them but more so to each volunteer.” This is why Debbie makes a difference to so many members of the Midtowne Meadows family!

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