Therapists use a variety of rehab techniques outside of the standard equipment and/or weights you might be familiar with. One therapy includes the use of a simple, vertical mirror.
Much like using the mirror in an exercise class to observe yourself in action, the mirror provides the same information for the rehab patient. Patients receive immediate visual feedback on where their body is in space, enabling them to self-correct, improve, and maintain proper movements and posture.
We utilize the Mirror for a variety of diagnoses, neurological, orthopedic, and musculoskeletal conditions. Being able to observe a given movement in real-time allows the patient the ability to recognize improper alignment and patterns that may be counter-intuitive to rehab. Catching and correcting those issues will have a positive impact on their range of motion and ultimately reduce pain.
The mirror also serves as a measure of progress, providing positive feedback as the patient progresses. All in all, it is a simple tool that leads to greater awareness and an opportunity for patients to better understand and incorporate improvements to their mobility.